Wednesday, December 30, 2009


In two days I will become a vegetarian. When announcing this to my family and friends, they naturally ask me why I'm making this choice.

Let me be clear: I have no reason for doing this.

I have no serious health issues that require a lifestyle change, I feel no moral obligation to innocent animals, and no hangups about meat. Sure, I feel that the American meat industry has been incredibly mechanized to the point that we are no longer actually eating an animal, but rather the essence of something that resembles an animal.

However, I love meat. I love a juicy burger, like the ones at Moody's Pub, and I love a good slice of bacon. I will miss these edible companions in my new life as a vegetarian.

I am hopeful that things will work out. Many of my good friends are vegetarians, which will help. They can help me cook and give me creative suggestions for meals. My idea of cooking is opening a microwave meal and making a side salad. Salad! Greens! I'm already off to a good start.