Thursday, February 4, 2010

Throwing in the Towel

I am eating meat again.

I thought about extending my vegetarianism for another month, but then I encountered Jack's BBQ in Nashville, Tennessee. It was the best BBQ I have ever tasted. The two omnivores with whom I dined agreed. I simply couldn't turn it down, which indicated that it was time to stop living in a meatless world.

I can't help to ask myself, "Where did I go wrong?" Was it a lack of discipline? A lack of willingness? A genetic failure? I don't think I gave myself enough lead time before jumping in this veggie sea. Although everyone was very supportive by providing recipes and cooking tips, I simply didn't do my research.

I'd like to try being a vegetarian again in about one year. Perhaps this will become my January tradition. I love arbitrary, meaningless traditions.

Check back in 2011. Until then, take care and think of me when you eat your next hamburger.

1 comment:

  1. That barbecue is still making me salivate. It was the single most glorious transition you could have made back into omnivorousness.
