Thursday, January 28, 2010

I am Not Sick, but I am Sick of Vegetables

I am feeling a little off. Most people would call it “sick,” but I refuse to admit that I am sick. Instead, I maintain that I am run down, not 100%, or “departing from the baseline of my normal status.”

I’m starting to think this has something to do with being a vegetarian. I never feel sick. This, on top of the former fatigue and short-lived irritability, leaves me feeling a little suspicious about the meat-free lifestyle.

After doing some basic research, I discovered a lovely blog called The Savvy Vegetarian where I found The Ten Tips For Becoming a Vegetarian. (Why did I find this on day 28?) Tip #1: “You’re going too fast if you feel deprived, tired, stressed, or overwhelmed.”

Does this mean I can eat meat again?

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