Thursday, February 4, 2010

Throwing in the Towel

I am eating meat again.

I thought about extending my vegetarianism for another month, but then I encountered Jack's BBQ in Nashville, Tennessee. It was the best BBQ I have ever tasted. The two omnivores with whom I dined agreed. I simply couldn't turn it down, which indicated that it was time to stop living in a meatless world.

I can't help to ask myself, "Where did I go wrong?" Was it a lack of discipline? A lack of willingness? A genetic failure? I don't think I gave myself enough lead time before jumping in this veggie sea. Although everyone was very supportive by providing recipes and cooking tips, I simply didn't do my research.

I'd like to try being a vegetarian again in about one year. Perhaps this will become my January tradition. I love arbitrary, meaningless traditions.

Check back in 2011. Until then, take care and think of me when you eat your next hamburger.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I am Not Sick, but I am Sick of Vegetables

I am feeling a little off. Most people would call it “sick,” but I refuse to admit that I am sick. Instead, I maintain that I am run down, not 100%, or “departing from the baseline of my normal status.”

I’m starting to think this has something to do with being a vegetarian. I never feel sick. This, on top of the former fatigue and short-lived irritability, leaves me feeling a little suspicious about the meat-free lifestyle.

After doing some basic research, I discovered a lovely blog called The Savvy Vegetarian where I found The Ten Tips For Becoming a Vegetarian. (Why did I find this on day 28?) Tip #1: “You’re going too fast if you feel deprived, tired, stressed, or overwhelmed.”

Does this mean I can eat meat again?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

With less than one week left in my "Month of Vegetarianism," it's time to decide whether I will continue the veggie lifestyle for another month.

February = chocolate hearts, Hopslam beer, and paczkis. All of these things are veggie-friendly.

What do you think? Take the poll! I may even decide based on the results.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Meat = Peace

Is meat so bad? According to The New York Times, it is not. In fact, meat brings people and cultures together unlike other foods. Take, for instance, The Balkan Burger. This meat patty, formally called a pljeskavica, is uniting Bosnians, Croatians, and other cultural groups. That’s right: meat is a now part of the peace-building process. Add this to the list of reasons why meat is wonderful.

Why, then, do people willingly choose not to eat it? I think meat would make me a more peaceful person. I’ve become quite irritable in the past few days. Like my fatigue, this could have nothing to do with being a vegetarian. According to one of my friends, however, there is a direct causal link between my crankiness and my vegetarianism. His response to any of my complaints is simply, “Maybe you should eat a hamburger.”

Well, if a hamburger can do half the wonders for me as The Balkan Burger has for conflicting cultures, I think I just might. Not yet, though.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I am tired. I am sluggish, I am weak, and I have to negotiate with myself to get out of bed in the morning. I hope this is not a result of being a vegetarian.

Everyone is very concerned about my protein levels. (I should clarify here. By “everyone,” I mean a small handful of people. By “concerned,” I mean that they ask me about my protein consumption. There is no actual alarming concern.) I have been taking a daily multivitamin, but no iron or B12 supplements. I should look into this. Any suggestions?

Truthfully, I think there are a lot of hidden variables at work here. The intense workout routine I’m doing and my first trip to the indoor rock climbing gym be two reasons for my fatigue. The absence of sunlight could be another.

Nonetheless, I am going to charge forward on my vegetarian quest. I am optimistic that my body will adjust to my new lifestyle. It just needs time. It will find new energy reserves. For now, I need a nap.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Talk is Cheap

I’m 15 days into being a vegetarian. I’ve made it halfway! Things are getting a little easier as I settle into a daily routine.

I have been telling a lot of people about my new vegetarian lifestyle. Naturally, it started by telling friends and family members. From there, it expanded to acquaintances. After that, it expanded to people I met through friends and acquaintances.

Now, I feel the need to tell everyone. I tell every server at restaurants and every checkout person at the grocery store. They don’t care, but they are very nice about it.

I think I need to play it cool in order to blend in with the true vegetarians. After all, I need to earn "street cred" with my people.

Here’s to hoping the next 15 days will be about playing it cool…

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I experienced my greatest temptation the other night. I invited some friends over for a potluck dinner, and my roommate contributed sharp cheddar cheese, crackers, and venison sausage. I have been dreaming about this venison sausage ever since he brought it home in mid-December.

I watched him as he cut the lean, tasty meat into neat little squares of joy. I stared at the tray longingly while the little squares mocked me. I walked away, taking the “out of sight, out of mind” approach.

However, every time I glanced over at the tray it was as if the meat pieces were giggling at me. It only grew worse when one of my guests would place a pile of them on his or her plate. I imagined the squares saying, “You could have me…you’re missing out, you fool” while they sat smugly on the plate, ready to be consumed.

It got so bad that I couldn’t hold a conversation. I just kept staring at a friend’s plate and talking about how much I wanted the venison.

I decided to fake out the little meat squares by pretending to grab a piece of venison, but at the last second I went for the cheese sitting right next to them. Sadly for me, I ate so much cheese I felt sick.

I was grateful when my guests finally consumed all of the meat (which I heard was delicious) and focused on desserts. Another escape. I may be losing my mind, but I’m still a vegetarian.