Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I am tired. I am sluggish, I am weak, and I have to negotiate with myself to get out of bed in the morning. I hope this is not a result of being a vegetarian.

Everyone is very concerned about my protein levels. (I should clarify here. By “everyone,” I mean a small handful of people. By “concerned,” I mean that they ask me about my protein consumption. There is no actual alarming concern.) I have been taking a daily multivitamin, but no iron or B12 supplements. I should look into this. Any suggestions?

Truthfully, I think there are a lot of hidden variables at work here. The intense workout routine I’m doing and my first trip to the indoor rock climbing gym be two reasons for my fatigue. The absence of sunlight could be another.

Nonetheless, I am going to charge forward on my vegetarian quest. I am optimistic that my body will adjust to my new lifestyle. It just needs time. It will find new energy reserves. For now, I need a nap.

1 comment:

  1. Lindz,
    I learned from Michael Pollan's Food Guide, that fermented foods (ie. yogurt, soy sauce, kimchi, and [my personal favorite] kombucha) are a good source of B12. So, I say, bring on the Kombuch!
