Friday, January 15, 2010

Talk is Cheap

I’m 15 days into being a vegetarian. I’ve made it halfway! Things are getting a little easier as I settle into a daily routine.

I have been telling a lot of people about my new vegetarian lifestyle. Naturally, it started by telling friends and family members. From there, it expanded to acquaintances. After that, it expanded to people I met through friends and acquaintances.

Now, I feel the need to tell everyone. I tell every server at restaurants and every checkout person at the grocery store. They don’t care, but they are very nice about it.

I think I need to play it cool in order to blend in with the true vegetarians. After all, I need to earn "street cred" with my people.

Here’s to hoping the next 15 days will be about playing it cool…

1 comment:

  1. "My people."

    I like the roughage pic. It really brings out the green in your...leaves...? :)
