Sunday, January 24, 2010

Meat = Peace

Is meat so bad? According to The New York Times, it is not. In fact, meat brings people and cultures together unlike other foods. Take, for instance, The Balkan Burger. This meat patty, formally called a pljeskavica, is uniting Bosnians, Croatians, and other cultural groups. That’s right: meat is a now part of the peace-building process. Add this to the list of reasons why meat is wonderful.

Why, then, do people willingly choose not to eat it? I think meat would make me a more peaceful person. I’ve become quite irritable in the past few days. Like my fatigue, this could have nothing to do with being a vegetarian. According to one of my friends, however, there is a direct causal link between my crankiness and my vegetarianism. His response to any of my complaints is simply, “Maybe you should eat a hamburger.”

Well, if a hamburger can do half the wonders for me as The Balkan Burger has for conflicting cultures, I think I just might. Not yet, though.

1 comment:

  1. Re: Your poll. You can't predict the future. That's all I'm saying.
