Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I keep forgetting that I’m a vegetarian. Apparently everyone else keeps forgetting, too. I am visiting friends who to love food. Everything in their kitchen is quality: fresh fruit, fine vinegar, jalapeno cheddar bread, and mouth-watering meat. My friend offered me meat three times in one day: first a fancy sausage, then some bacon, then a hamburger.

The conversations went like this:

T: “If I made a [insert delicious meat here], would you like some?”
Me thinking: “Yes! Yum! I’d love some!”
Me speaking: “Oh…well, normally I would but I’m a vegetarian now.”
T: “Oh, right.”

I’m holding strong. I consider this meat-free diet the highest form of discipline. Stay tuned to see if I can make it for an entire week.

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