Sunday, January 3, 2010


What's your favorite vegetable? I figured that I should expand my options beyond my usual cucumbers, green peppers, and carrots if I'm going to be a successful vegetarian. I'm interested in hearing people's opinions. (That is, if anyone actually reads this blog.)

I've also realized that I haven't consumed any vegetables in the last day and a half. I've had plenty of bread and cheese though. Oh, I do love cheese. I'm fearful that I will only eat Amy's macaroni and cheese frozen dinners. They are delicious, but maybe not the best meal to eat every day.

Cheesy vegetables are healthy though, right?


  1. I am impressed by your regular posting! I do love broccoli (which happens to be good with cheese, though I usually just saute it with some olive oil and garlic), but Liss turned me on to brussels sprouts and I cannot get enough of them now.

  2. Mmm brussel sprouts. Glad I could change your life, Sus. You should give them a try, Linds! Great with tons of butter (or probably cheese though I wouldn't know). I also love beets. And peas! Of all sorts! Vegetables are so much fun.

  3. Ohh Goober...winter is a tough time to go vegetarian as the fruits and veggies aren't as fresh. I took a veggie cooking class a few years ago, perhaps you should sign up for one. Anyway, I got a great receipe for pizza and Indian vegetables (two separate dishes). I also recommend vegetarian chili. This one looks easy Call me this week and we'll discuss. It's difficult to type out directions with only one arm.

  4. oh, but in answer to your question, I am a hugr fan of artichokes and corn. Have you ever steamed an artichoke? It's basically a mean in itself.

  5. Asparagus is the best, then eggplant, then zucchini. Kohlrabi and bok choi are good too.

  6. You should definitely make some some spinach artichoke dip. You'll (temporarily) forget about meat.

  7. I like spinach and asparagus. Not together mind you.
