Friday, January 8, 2010

Vegetarian Candy

Before becoming vegetarian I didn’t truly consider how strict I was going to be. I decided not eat fish, but what about chicken broth? Beef broth? (No French onion soup? Gasp!) What about animal products in candy? Sometimes I feel like a bit of a fraud since I am really just making up my rules as I go. I suppose that the rules are not as important as the level of comfort and consistency with the level of one’s vegetarianism.

I had a bit of a scare after consuming about half a bag of Sour Patch Kids. I heard that Sour Patch Kids contained ground cow hooves…yummy. After some basic Google searches, I made the delightful discovery that Sour Patch Kids are not only animal-free, but they are also a PETA-endorsed vegan candy. Add refined sugar to the bread and cheese category of delicious but dangerous things to eat!

However, not all candy is animal-free. This table, taken from The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Being Vegetarian by Suzanne Havala, lists all of the hidden animal products in many common foods.

Oh, boy. This is so much more complicated than I imagined.

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